
[Bedford Walk-In Clinic] Dr. Margolis earned her Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO) degree from University of New England College of Osteopathic Medicine, Biddeford, ME.

She is primarily located in DMC Bedford’s walk-in clinic, caring for DMC patients with urgent medical issues. She strives to provide thoughtful, appropriate, and evidence-based care to all patients. She also collaborates closely with primary care providers and medical specialties to help guide patients to appropriate use of the healthcare system and overall health maintenance. 

Dr. Margolis believes that everyone deserves access to quality healthcare. She feels strongly about breaking down the boundaries for medical care and providing a gateway for all patients to access the healthcare system. 

In her spare time, Dr. Margolis enjoys spending time with her family and taking vacations to warm tropical areas as well as European adventures. She enjoys outdoor activities, especially golf, skiing, hiking and walks. And she LOVES dogs!

“We have a retired Greyhound who is a lovable, lazy, oversized lap dog!” says Dr. Margolis.