Welcome to DMC Behavioral Health Services.
We are very pleased that you are interested in taking a step toward feeling better.
Our treatment team is highly qualified and is here to help.
- Michael McLaughlin, APRN
- Ashley Ferm, LCMHC
- Tom Hagner, LICSW
- Dave Marshall, LICSW
- Dean Robbins, LCMHC, MLADC
- Joanne Bickford, LCMHC, MLADC
- Karen Desmarais, LCMHC
- Katherine Sawyer, LICSW, MLADC
- Jefrey Wedge, LCMHC, MLADC
Here’s how to get started:
- Talk with your PCP about accessing behavioral health services. Your PCP will send us a referral.
- A member of our staff will contact you and ask a few questions.
- If you have been in treatment before we will require records of your care.
- An intake appointment will be made once we determine that this is the best setting for you.
- Medication Services are available once care is established.
We look forward to talking with you.
Please call DMC’s main number at 603-537-1300 to talk with your primary care provider about a referral.
The direct line for Behavioral Health Services is 603-845-5934.

We also work in conjunction with Greater Derry Community Health Services.

Healing does not mean the damage never existed. It means the damage no longer controls our lives.