According to the federal law named “Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act” (HIPAA), you have rights concerning your health information. Only individuals with a legitimate “need to know” may access patient information. Protected health information may be released to other health care providers without your authorization if it is used for treatment, payment, health care operations, or as permitted by state and federal laws. Release of protected health information other than for treatment, payment, and health care use requires your authorization.
The staff at DMC Primary Care and Londonderry Family Practice Center respects your privacy and confidentiality. At admission time you will be asked to name a person that your nurse can talk to about your care and progress. Information and progress updates are not routinely given out over the phone. If a person not identified by you as a contact person calls the nursing unit asking for information about you, they are directed to contact you or a family member for information.
For a complete copy of our HIPAA privacy rights brochure, please call our office at (603) 537-1300.