Could You Be at Risk?

You have been doing everything you can to stay healthy during COVID-19. And even as our communities begin to open up again, you may choose to contine avoiding certain activities that you feel are risky. But, please be sure you aren’t avoiding the very things that keep you healthy. Recent studies show that people are…

So What Actually is a 3D Mammogram Anyway?

Medical technology is constantly evolving, creating new options for patients which are more efficient and more accurate.  So firstly – do you know what a mammogram is? If you’re not sure, read our article about it. It’ll walk you through what a mammogram is, what it’s for, and how you can prepare for one. Now that…

Everything You Need to Know Before Your First Mammogram

Mammograms can definitely sound kind of scary. You’ve probably heard your female family members talking about how uncomfortable they are or how much they don’t like them… We don’t blame you if you’re feeling a little nervous before your first appointment! But not to worry – it’s National Breast Cancer Awareness Month and we want to help…

5 Things to Know About 3D Mammography™

Despite all the attention paid to it, breast cancer continues to be a significant (sometimes fatal) health risk for many women (and some men as well). Emphasis has long been placed on the importance of regular examinations to test for the early signs of breast cancer. The standard test is the mammogram, an examination that the Society…

Clinical Manager Profile: Deb Hamel RTRM CN-BI

Clinical Manager Deb Hamel, RTRM CN-BI is a long-standing fixture at Derry Imaging. She has been with us for sixteen years, which we consider impressive in and of itself. Hamel is an imager, but beyond that she is an educator of other imagers, which makes her an even more fascinating member of our staff. She…