September is Healthy Aging Month!

10 Tips for Reinventing Yourself during “September Is Healthy Aging Month” 1. Do not act your age or at least what you think your current age should act like. Who better to decide what’s appropriate for your age than you, anyway? You’ve earned the right to be who you want to be. Some people may…

5 Natural Remedies for Allergy Relief

Getting outside is the first thing on our minds when the temperature warms up, flowers bloom, and trees bud.  For many of us, the enthusiasm ends when the nice weather triggers the itchy eyes, runny nose and sneezing associated with seasonal allergies. Why do we get allergies in the first place?  The nasal and bronchial passageways in…

5 Things You Need to Know About Ticks

Every summer we hear about tick populations on the news and how many people get Lyme disease. Yikes! The summer of 2018 is looking good for ticks and maybe not so good for us, so we’ve compiled the latest information you need to know about ticks and how to keep them away from you and…

Healthy Holiday Eating Tips

1. Bring your own healthy dish. Think vegetables!  Without the veggies, your plate will likely be higher in calories and in carbohydrates.  A veggie platter for an appetizer, a salad, or a tray of roasted vegetables are always nice options to have available. Check out the recipes and substitutions below for some great ideas! 2. Be aware of tiny…

How to Make Wellness and Fitness Programs a Part of Your Life

Eat right, exercise and get plenty of sleep. These are the things everyone is supposed to do in order to live a healthy, happy life, according to everyone from government agencies to doctors to big-time television pundits. Easy for them to say. They don’t have to deal with all of the daily chores, activities and responsibilities you do. Between getting…

5 Reasons to Make Sleep a Priority

As a society, we lead very busy lives. There are children to run to sports events, volunteer opportunities, exercise routines, food prep, long hours at jobs and commuting times that are constantly competing for dominance. And, when we do have a spare moment we tend to jealously guard it and justify using it to binge…

5 Fitness Tips to Boost Your Metabolism this Season

When did it happen? Was it after turning the page on age 29, receiving that AARP letter in the mail or qualifying for medicare? Truth is, you’ll likely never know when your metabolism began to slow down–but the exact day doesn’t matter as much as your ability to boost it back up. Metabolism is the…