5 Things You Need to Know About Ticks

Every summer we hear about tick populations on the news and how many people get Lyme disease. Yikes! The summer of 2018 is looking good for ticks and maybe not so good for us, so…

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5 Things You Should Know about Colorectal Cancer Screenings

1. Firstly, what is colorectal cancer? We’ll use the National Cancer Institute’s definition: “Colorectal cancer is a disease in which abnormal cells in the colon or rectum divide uncontrollably, ultimately forming a malignant tumor. (The colon and rectum are parts of the body’s digestive…

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Dr. Goldshein, Mammography, and Breast Imaging

“The scans are only as good as the radiologist who reads them.”  Have you ever heard this axiom about diagnostic imaging? Regardless of the state-of-the-art, cutting edge technology that Derry Imaging uses for all its…

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Do you know the ABCs of Diabetes?

Diabetes Awareness Month is a perfect time for those people with diabetes to review their ABCs! A stands for A1C A1C is a blood test that represents your blood sugar average for the past 2-3 months. A1C…

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Healthy Holiday Eating Tips

1. Bring your own healthy dish. Think vegetables!  Without the veggies, your plate will likely be higher in calories and in carbohydrates.  A veggie platter for an appetizer, a salad, or a tray of roasted vegetables are always nice…

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